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3 Tips to Help You Nail Your Virtual Job Interview

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When it comes to job interviews, the show must go on – even during a pandemic. Though you may not be able to grab coffee with a recruiter or attend a formal, in-person job interview right now, you can certainly nail your first impression and deliver a great interview online. Virtual job interviews can be very convenient, as you continue to practice social distancing. However, there are a few tips you should always keep in mind when delivering a virtual interview. Check them out below!

Test your Internet speed.

Can your laptop connect to the Internet? Good. Now, check its speed. From delivering a pixelated image to causing your interview to drop altogether, a slow or spotty Internet connection can spell disaster for your interview. Try a site like Fast.com to test your speed at home. If it’s too slow, consider disconnecting unnecessary devices from the Internet, temporarily upgrading your bandwidth with your service provider, or completing the interview at a location with a stronger connection.

Check your computer’s charge.

It sounds like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised at how many people overlook small details such as this when preparing for an interview! Nothing is more stressful than realizing that your laptop is only holding a 10% charge right before you log on for your interview. Prevent this by ensuring that your device is fully charged well ahead of time. If you’re planning on using other accessories, like wireless headphones, make sure that these items are fully charged, too.

Have a plan in place for interruptions.

Working from home means that your day-to-day life is probably full of interruptions, from your child, who needs a snack, to your dog, who wants to play fetch. During your interview, though, you must be able to put these and other interruptions on hold, so that you can make the best possible impression to your interviewer. Consider closing and locking the doors and windows to the room you are in when in the interview. If you need help with childcare or your pet, rely on a sitter or neighbor.

As the saying goes, knowledge is power – and, at Brookstone Park Apartments in Covington, Louisiana, we couldn’t agree more! We hope that this blog has presented you with the valuable information that you were seeking out.

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