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5 Lifestyle Habits That Will Help You Fend Off Lower Back Pain

Image for 5 Lifestyle Habits That Will Help You Fend Off Lower Back Pain

Do you experience lower back pain? Lower back pain is not only experienced by arthritic or injured people. You can suffer from non-injury-related lower back pain, even if you are otherwise in good health. The ailment is common in people who spend a lot of time sitting – which, according to statistics, is a vast portion of the American workforce. This is especially true right now, as we emerge from a solid year spent spending as much time at home as possible.

Fortunately, if you have mild to moderate lower back pain, you can probably lessen the pain and prevent it entirely by making a few lifestyle changes. Here are 5 simple things to do to reduce your symptoms of lower back pain.

Keep your core strong.

Poor core strength is a common root cause of back pain. Strengthening the muscles in your core is a good way to ensure that your body has the support it needs to prevent muscle strain and pain.

Stay active.

While you’re working on your core strength, consider regular exercise, which keeps your muscles engaged. Ease into a routine and be careful not to engage in anything that will exacerbate existing pain.

Practice good posture.

Did you know that when your shoulders slump, your lower back gets all the pressure and strain? Relieve pressure on these muscles by consistently practicing good posture.

Wear supportive shoes.

Supportive shoes make all the difference in your body’s overall stability. Cushioning soles help absorb shock from walking and other activity, instead of your lower back.

Upgrade your mattress, if necessary.

Sleeping on an unsupportive mattress can result in many sleepless nights and, in turn, back pain. If you find yourself tossing and turning, consider upgrading to something with more lumbar support.

Want to lead a life well-lived? Start by engaging your mind with interesting, informative material, as these tips and tricks from Brookstone Park Apartments in Covington, Louisiana!

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